Second call for scholarships for international students - Second cycle degree/Two-year master in “Mathematics” - A.Y. 2024/2025
Mi interessa se:
(solo per internazionali), Studio al primo anno, Ho una laurea
N. 2 scholarships for international students enrolling in first year of the international curriculum Advanced mathematics for applications, second cycle degree Mathematics – Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna
Tipo di corso:
Laurea magistrale
Profilo ricercato:
Details described in the call for scholarships.
Requisiti per partecipare:
Admission to selection procedure is valid only for who already applied in admission procedure to the first year of the international curriculum Advanced mathematics for applications, second cycle degree Mathematics – Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna, under the following conditions:
- They graduated in a foreign University and are in possession of an eligible title;
- They have applied for the international curriculum Advanced mathematics for applications, second cycle degree Mathematics by the deadline of the II intake (application deadline: July 09, 2024), according to procedures and admission requirements described in the call for admission available at
- They have received a positive evaluation (“green status” in the platform SOL) by the Admission Board within July 23, 2024.
- They are under 30.
Vedi anche
See procedures and admission requirements described in the call for admission
AFORM - "Scienze Cittadella" Education Division - International programmes
Per maggiori informazioni sul bando e sulla procedura di selezione / If you need further information about the call and the selection procedure