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Third call for scholarships for international students - Second cycle degree/Two-year master in “Mathematics” - A.Y. 2024/2025

  • scadenza: 14 ottobre 2024, 18:00
  • 2 scholarships for the amount of € 5.000 each (gross of all charges)
  • Mi interessa se:
    (solo per internazionali), Studio al primo anno

    N. 2 scholarships for international students enrolling in first year of the international curriculum Advanced mathematics for applications, second cycle degree Mathematics – Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna.

  • Tipo di corso:
    Laurea magistrale
  • Profilo ricercato:
    Details described in the call for scholarships.
  • Requisiti per partecipare:

    Iscrizione, Specifici da bando

Admission to selection procedure is valid only for who already applied in admission procedure to the first year of the international curriculum Advanced mathematics for applications, second cycle degree Mathematics – Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna, under the following conditions:

-        They graduated in a foreign University and are in possession of an eligible title;

-        They have applied for the international curriculum Advanced mathematics for applications, second cycle degree Mathematics (last application deadline: September 12, 2024), according to procedures and admission requirements described in the call for admission available at

-        They have received a positive evaluation (“green status” in the platform SOL) by the Admission Board within September, 2024.

-        They are under 30. 

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