Bando Erasmus+ mobilità per tirocinio a.a. 2025/26
- scadenza: 13 maggio 2025, 13:00
Mi interessa se:
Studio al primo anno, Studio dal secondo anno in poi
Tipo di corso:
Laurea, Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico, Laurea magistrale, Dottorato di ricerca, Scuola di specializzazione
Requisiti per partecipare:
Iscrizione, Specifici da bando
Bando [.pdf 615 KB]
Allegato 1 - Tabella certificazioni linguistiche internazionali [.pdf 309 KB]
Allegato 2 - Elenco corsi in inglese [.pdf 1.407 KB]
Allegato 2 - Elenco corsi in inglese [.xlsx 42 KB]
Allegato 3 - Elenco siti web per ricerca tirocinio [.pdf 452 KB]
Allegato 4 - Company agreement form studenti [.pdf 386 KB]
Allegato 4 - Company agreement form studenti [.docx 36 KB]
Allegato 5 - Company agreement form dottorandi [.pdf 389 KB]
Allegato 5 - Company agreement form dottorandi [.docx 35 KB]
Allegato 6 - Personal data processing for host organisations [.pdf 227 KB]
Informazioni per la compilazione del Company Agreement Form [.pdf 302 KB]
Descrizione Erasmus+ in inglese per ente ospitante [.pdf 315 KB]
Servizio Mobilitas [.pdf 107 KB]
Call for applications
Call for applications [.pdf 1.169 KB]
Annex 1 – Table of Language Certification [.pdf 309 KB]
Annex 2 - List of international programmes in the English language [.pdf 1.407 KB]
Annex 2 - List of international programmes in the English language [.xlsx 42 KB]
Annex 3 - List of websites for sourcing traineeships [.pdf 452 KB]
Annex 4 - Company Agreement Form for students [.pdf 386 KB]
Annex 4 - Company Agreement Form for students [.docx 36 KB]
Annex 5 - Company Agreement Form for phd students [.pdf 389 KB]
Annex 5 - Company Agreement Form for phd students [.docx 35 KB]
Annex 6 - Personal data processing for host organisations [.pdf 227 KB]
Information helpful for candidates when filling in the Company Agreement Form [.pdf 302 KB]
Description of Erasmus Plus - Student Mobility for traineeships for companies interested in interning an Erasmus Plus student [.pdf 315 KB]
Mobilitas Service [.pdf 131 KB]