Riapertura bando Erasmus+ mobilità per tirocinio a.a. 2020/21
- scadenza: 21 ottobre 2020, 12:00
Allegato 1 - Tabella Cefr [.pdf 205 KB]
Allegato 2 - Elenco corsi in inglese [.pdf 72 KB]
Allegato 3 - Elenco siti web per ricerca tirocinio [.pdf 184 KB]
Allegato 4 - Company agreement form [.doc 73 KB]
Informazioni per la compilazione del Company Agreement Form [.pdf 78 KB]
Descrizione erasmus placement in inglese per ente ospitante [.pdf 119 KB]
Istruzioni per la compilazione del Curriculum Vitae - Europass [.pdf 113 KB]
Modello curriculum Europeo [.doc 115 KB]
Servizio Mobilitas [.pdf 105 KB]
Integrazione al contributo Erasmus+ Tirocinio [.pdf 83 KB]
Call for applications
Annex 1 - CEFR Table [.pdf 205 KB]
Annex 2 - List of international programmes in the English language [.pdf 72 KB]
Annex 3 - List of websites for sourcing traineeships [.pdf 184 KB]
Annex 4 - Company agreement form [.doc 73 KB]
Information helpful for candidates when filling in the Company Agreement Form [.pdf 78 KB]
Description of Erasmus Plus - Student Mobility for traineeships for companies interested in interning an Erasmus Plus student [.pdf 119 KB]
Instructions for filling in the Europass Curriculum vitae [.pdf 91 KB]
Exemplary European curriculum [.doc 111 KB]
Mobilitas Service [.pdf 106 KB]
Additional contribution to the Erasmus+ Traineeship Grant 2020/2021 [.pdf 84 KB]