• scadenza: 12 ottobre 2022, 12:00
  • 5 premi
  • € 2.500 lordi
  • A chi è rivolto: For students who have just completed LMEC’s first year (LM cod. 8408) and who have passed at least four out of five of the first year Integrated Courses and earned the corresponding credits by the 10th of October 2022. In order to apply, the following requirements must be met: a) Being enrolled in the first year of LMEC for the first time in the A.Y. 2021-22. b) Having passed (and have on your records) by the 10 th October 2022 at least four out of the five LMEC’s first year Integrated Courses: Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis (I.C.), Microeconomics (I.C.), Econometrics (I.C.), Macroeconomics (I.C.) and Finance (I.C.). Moreover, the average grade of these exams must be equal or above 27/30.
  • N. protocollo: Prot. 1189 del 22/09/2022 - Rep. 115/2022
  • Responsabile di procedimento: dott.ssa Paola Mandelli

Call for applications