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Call for applications for n.18 study grants for first-year students at risk, from NON-EU and NON-OECD Countries

  • scadenza: 31 ottobre 2022, 12:00
  • 18 study grants
  • € 4.608 per year
  • Mi interessa se:

    Eligible candidates are first-year students at risk, from NON-EU and NON-OECD Countries, enrolled during the A.Y. 2022/23 on the international bachelor’s (Economics and Finance - cod. 8835, curriculum International Tourism and Leisure Industries- cod. 8847, and Economics, Politics and Social Sciences - cod. 5819) and international master's degrees (Economics - cod. 8408, Resource Economics and Sustainable Development - cod. 8839, and Tourism Economics and Management - cod. 5910) of the Department of Economics.

  • Responsabile di procedimento:
    Dott.ssa Paola Mandelli
  • N. protocollo:
    Rep. n. 67/2022 Prot n. 765 del 08/06/2022