• scadenza: 12 giugno 2020, 12:00
  • 1 posto disponibile
  • Lordo Percipiente Euro 5.000
  • A chi è rivolto: Laurea Magistrale (L.M) in Ingegneria Elettronica ai sensi del D.M 270/2004 o titoli equipollenti da normativa vigente
  • Profilo ricercato: Elaborazione dei dati in campo automotive
  • Periodo di riferimento: 1 mese (100 ore presunte)
  • N. protocollo: 945/2020
  • Responsabile di procedimento: Dott.ssa Barbara Di Placido
  • Predisporre flusso e materiale per esercitazioni, completamente declinati in lingua inglese, secondo il seguente programma.

    1. Open-source tools for data processing: Introduction to Python programming language in Jupyter Notebook environment

    2. Open-source tools for data management and visualization: Introduction to pandas Python package as a fundamental high-level tool for data analysis, and introduction to the main Python libraries for data visualization such as matplotlib and seaborn for traditional data as well as folium for geospatial data.

    3. Machine learning methods: Introduction to the main machine learning tools consisting of regression, classification, clustering and neural networks

    4. Predictive maintenance: Introduction to the basics of predictive maintenance and the three main approaches: survival, degradation, and similarity models.

    5. Introduction to Wavelet analysis.

    6. Applications to: driving style and conditions analysis, vehicle trajectory tracking with data fusion, clutch and shift analysis, analysis of datasets from the Kaggle platform.
