• scadenza: 04 giugno 2024, 12:00
  • 8 positions
  • 4.000,00 EUR (gross amount)
  • A chi è rivolto: Foreign highly qualified scholars, who are affiliated with non-Italian universities
  • Profilo ricercato: Fellowships for foreign highly qualified scholars, who are affiliated with non-Italian universities, invited to carry out teaching activities within the Department’s degree programmes.
  • Periodo di riferimento: The teaching activity must be carried out during the period 1 September 2024 – 30 June 2025
  • N. protocollo: rep. 141 prot. 1257 del 19/04/2024
  • Responsabile di procedimento: Dott.ssa Cecilia Bellettato (cecilia.bellettato@unibo.it)


Call for applications