• scadenza: 07 ottobre 2022, 13:00
  • A chi è rivolto: Studentesse/i presso i Corsi di Laurea con sede didattica a Bologna e Imola riferiti alla Scuola di Medicina e Chirurgia
  • N. protocollo: P.D. 854/2022 prot. 34317 del 14/02/2022
  • Responsabile di procedimento: Dott.ssa Silvia Samoggia
  • Scadenze

    - I tornata: 8 aprile 2022 ore 13:00
    - II tornata: 7 ottobre 2022 ore 13:00


    - I intake: 8 April 2022 at 13:00 Italian time)
    - II intake: 7 October 2022 at 13:00 Italian time

Call for applications

Area Service Area Medica – Study grants for international learning experiences abroad - 2021 call for applications [.pdf 6.828 KB]

This English version is provided for publicity purposes only. Please note that the official call for applications is written in Italian, and is published on the same page as this document. To the extent any translated part or element of this document conflicts with the Italian version, the Italian version controls and will prevail in case of legal controversies.
