• scadenza: 28 agosto 2023, 23:55
  • 1 visiting researcher
  • € 60.000 gross salary
  • A chi è rivolto: Application is open exclusively to candidates who meet the following requirements: Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery; Doctorate / Specialization in Public Health or Epidemiology; post-graduate professional experience (at least 5 years) in the field of Tumor Epidemiology; specific experience in the study on the use of tobacco products and cancer risk.
  • Profilo ricercato: Activities of the visiting researchers, that will be carried out within the Department facilities, will consist in the collaboration with professors and researchers of the Unit of Occupational Medicine, and particularly with the research group of Prof. Paolo Boffetta, to conduct a detailed analysis on the risk of cancer from hookah smoking in a multicenter case-control study
  • Periodo di riferimento: 12 months
  • N. protocollo: 6039
  • Responsabile di procedimento: Dott.ssa Luisa Romagnoli


